Using PDFNet to view and annotate PDF in Silverlight.

Q: We want to use PDFNet SDK for the following:

  1. Split each pdf file page into image thumbnail(to generate dz files to view in Silverlight client. )

  2. User may write annotations on pages in meeting After meeting we want to print annotations on PDF file and allow user to download the pdf file with/without annotations.

Is this possible with PDF net SDK and if yes how?

P.S: the annotations will be written in free hand writing


You can use PDFNet SDK in your solution. Actually PDFNet can directly export Silverlight optimized documents (using pdftron.PDF.ToSilverlight()) and the resulting documents can be viewed using SilverDox Viewer ( .

SilverDox also comes with built-in support for annotations and is completely customizable. As a starting point please take a look at the following resources:

Forum & KB:!forum/silverdox

SilverDoxConver and SilverDoxStreaming samples which are part of PDFNet SDK (

Besides conversion and streaming to XOD, PDFNet can also be used to render thumbnails (e.g. see PDFDraw sample -, extract text, split & merge files, add watermarks, etc…