Rendering PDF pages at high resolution (DPI).

Q: I run into a problem when rendering images with high resolution
(when DPI is 500 for a fairly large page). PDFNet code snippet looks
along the following lines:

C++ Code snippet:
STDMETHODIMP CreateThumbnails(BSTR inputpath, BSTR outpath, double
res,int formato,int space,int giro,BSTR Profile)

  string input_path = OLE2T(inputpath);
  string output_path = OLE2T(outpath);
  string profile = OLE2T(Profile);

    if(space == 5)
      string iccfile = GetResourcesPath();
      if(profile.length() > 0)
        iccfile += profile;
        iccfile += "icc\\Photoshop4DefaultCMYK.icc";

      string iccrgb = GetResourcesPath() +
  catch(Common::Exception& e)

    PDFDoc doc(input_path.c_str());

    PDFDraw draw;

    char format[32];
    case 2:
    case 6:

    SDF::ObjSet hints;
    Obj space_hint = hints.CreateDict();

    case 1:
      space_hint.PutName("ColorSpace", "Gray");
    case 2:
      space_hint.PutName("ColorSpace", "RGB");
    case 5:
      space_hint.PutName("ColorSpace", "CMYK");

    PageIterator itr = doc.GetPageIterator();
    Page page = itr.Current();
      switch(giro / 90)
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:

      //exception when do two times simultaneous on release version
      hr = S_OK;
  catch(Common::Exception& e)
    const char* msg = e.GetMessage();

  return hr;
A: You are most likely running out of memory. As you increase the DPI
the memory requirements are increasing exponentially (and on 32 bit
systems there is a maximum memory allocation of 2GB).

If you need to rasterize PDF pages at very high DPI you may want to

a) Rasterize the page in stripes/tiles using page.SetCropBox
(stripe_bbox) to indicate the sub region of the page to rasterize. For
example, if the input page has a media box [0,0,595,842] (e.g.
tiger.pdf from PDFNet/Samples/TestFiles folder), you could render the
page at 2000 DPI (Dots Per Inch) in four stripes (using 210.5 point
increments along the Y axis) as follows:

pdfdraw.GetBitmap(page); ...
pdfdraw.GetBitmap(page); ...
pdfdraw.GetBitmap(page); ...
pdfdraw.GetBitmap(page); ...

This way you would effectively cut down on the memory requirements by
a factor of 4.

You can encapsulate the above approach in a utility class that will
use PDFDraw to render a PDF page (at any DPI) in stripes or tiles.