Remove Window with Tabs (Bookmark, Layer, Page)

Hi, i’m beginning to analyze PDFNet .NET SDK, and after watching the PdfView Sample, one question popup it is possible to show only the PDF window, can I remove the Bookmark Tab, Pages tab and Layers Tab. I try to figure it out but I discover nothing.


José Carvalho

You can use pdfviewctrl.ShowNavPanel(false) to remove Bookmark/Pages/
Layers tab in 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'.

In case you would like to design a custom user interface for bookmarks
and other navigation elements, you may want to take a look at PDFView
C#/VB sample project (
samplecode.html#PDFView). The example includes code used to implement
custom navigation page (similar in look to the built-in pane). You can
comment-out the relevant code by declaring a definition variable
'CUSTOM_NAV' in the sample solution.