Persist manually created custom stamps

Product: WebViewer

Product Version: 7.3.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue:

We are looking for a way to persist manually created custom stamps as mentioned at the bottom of this guide:

Custom stamps can also manually be created by users from this UI tab.

Ideally, these would persist in the browser on a per-user basis.

One idea is to react to created stamps, persist them in local storage, and invoke setCustomStamps on initialization. However, is there an event that’s fired when the user creates a custom stamp in the PDFTron viewer?

Per this RubberStampCreateTool documentation, we tried:

const tool = docViewer.getTool('AnnotationCreateRubberStamp');
tool.on('annotationCreated', (...args: any) => {
    console.log('created stamp', args);

without any luck.

Hello Nick,

Seems like this is a duplicate of another support ticket you opened, I will close this one for now if that’s ok with you.

Best Regards,
Jason Hu
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

Yeah, thanks Jason. I was unsure of the quickest path to support, so feel free to close this one.