PDF SDK 6.0 not working properly with auto layout and iOS 8


I am using PDFNet SDK with one of my projects to render PDF. I have a few questions regarding the same. On the main self.view, I have added a self.secondView on which I am adding pdfViewCtrl which is of type UIView and pdf is being set to this view using setDoc.

  1. If I am using auto layout, then on first launch the PDF is set to width properly in the view controller but on rotation, even though I am using code

[pdfViewCtrl SetPageViewMode: e_trn_fit_width];

in didRotateFromOrientation and viewWillTransitionToSize methods in iOS 7 and 8 devices still, the pdf does not change it’s view and appears as it was at the time of launch. Also, I am adding digital signature to the PDF and due to that the PDF is again set to the pdfViewCtrl, at that time the above code works and sets the view properly but same problem is faced on rotation again.

  1. If I am setting frames of the UIView using setFrame and then, using the above code, then it’s working in iOS 7 devices but still not compatible to iOS 8 devices.

Please note: I have tried using XCode 6.1 and 6.3 and I am using SDK 6.0 for iPhones and iPads (All screen sizes).