How to create a transparent watermark that only displays when printed?


We need to create a text watermark that only displays when printed. I
have looked through the demo and there is an option to do this,
however I also need to set the opacity level on the text. Is there a
way to do this?

We need to create a text watermark that only displays when printed.

PDF format does not have a property or a flag that can be used to
selectively print page content (i.e. it is not possible to have page
content that only displays when printed).

Still, using PDFNet SDK you have couple of options to implement this

You could selectively add content to the existing page just before it
is printed (e.g. search for "How can I stamp all PDF pages" in PDFNet
Knowledge Base). For this you can either open a new instance of PDFDoc
(which would not be saved after modifications). Alternatively you can
'undo' PDFNet append operation as follows:

Another approach is using PDF annotations objects. PDF annotations are
not part of the content stream and they have extra flags controlling
whether the annotation is printed, is hidden, etc. After creating an
annotation object you can set flags (e.g. PDF.Annot.Flag.e_print,
PDF.Annot.Flag.e_no_view) so that the annotation can be printed but
hidden for purposes of on-screen display.

To create transparent text you can adjust the opacity level in the
graphics state when creating text elements. For example:

Element element = eb.CreateTextBegin
   (Font.Create(doc, Font.StandardType1Font.e_times_roman), 100);

element = eb.CreateTextRun("Hello World!");
GState gs = element.GetGState();
element.SetTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 30, 30);
gs.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0));


I have tried using the flags on the annotation, and it works. However
I can't get the annotation to be transparent. Maybe I am using the
wrong annotation? I couldn't find an example for creating watermark

The feature I am trying to duplicate can be done in Acrobat Pro by
adding a watermark, and selecting the "Show when printing" option. I
also set the opacity, size, etc. as shown below.

Attached to this article are couple of solutions to the problem of
creating a transparent watermark that only displays when printed.

The first approach is using optional content groups (OCGs) and the
stamp is represented using Form XObject. This approach is used in
Acrobat Professional when adding a watermark (i.e. when using "Show
when printing" option enabled, and "Show when displaying on screen"

The second approach achieves similar effect by creating
'Annot.Type.e_Watermark' annotation. Printing and screen visibility is
in this case controlled using standard annotation flags
(Annot.Flag.e_print and Annot.Flag.e_no_view).

The opacity in both cases can be set using
element.GetGState().SetFillOpacity(..) method.

// Example 1 -------------------------------

using System;
using pdftron;
using pdftron.Common;
using pdftron.Filters;
using pdftron.SDF;
using pdftron.PDF;

namespace StampTestCS
class Class1
  // Add a rotated and centered text stamp to the given page.
  // @param pdfdoc - A document to stamp.
  // @param text - A text string used to stamp pages.
  // @param font_sz - The font size.
  // @param rot_angle - The rotation angle, in degrees.
  // @param fill_color - The fill color represented in RGB color space
where each
  // color component is in the range [0..1].
  static void Stamp(Page page, PDFDoc pdfdoc, string text, double
  ColorPt fill_color, double rot_angle, double opacity, Obj
   ElementBuilder eb = new ElementBuilder();
   ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter();
   pdftron.PDF.Font myFont = pdftron.PDF.Font.Create(pdfdoc,
   pdftron.PDF.ColorSpace fill_cs = ColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();

   double deg2rad = 3.1415926535 / 180.0;
   Matrix2D rot_mtx = Matrix2D.RotationMatrix(rot_angle * deg2rad);

   Element element = eb.CreateTextBegin(myFont, font_sz);
   element = eb.CreateTextRun(text);
   GState gs = element.GetGState();

   // Position the text run
   Matrix2D mtx = new Matrix2D(rot_mtx);
   // scale the stamp relative to standard 'letter' page.
   double scale_factor = page.GetPageWidth() / 612.0;
   mtx.Scale(scale_factor, scale_factor);
   mtx.Translate((page.GetPageWidth() - element.GetTextLength() *
Math.Cos(rot_angle * deg2rad)) / 2,
      (page.GetPageHeight() + element.GetTextLength() *
Math.Sin(rot_angle * deg2rad)) / 2);


   Rect bbox = new Rect();

   Obj form = writer.End();
   form.Put("Subtype", Obj.CreateName("Form"));
   form.Put("BBox", Rect.CreateSDFRect(bbox));
   if (optional_content != null)
    form.Put("OC", optional_content);

   // Place the form on the original page
   element = eb.CreateForm(form);

   // Set transparency level for the stamp


  static Obj CreateOCGState(PDFDoc doc)
    Obj oc = doc.CreateIndirectDict();
    oc.Put("Type", Obj.CreateName("OCMD"));

    Obj ocgs = doc.CreateIndirectDict();
    oc.Put("OCGs", ocgs);
    ocgs.Put("Name", Obj.CreateString("Watermark"));
    ocgs.Put("Type", Obj.CreateName("OCG"));
    Obj usage = Obj.CreateDict();
    ocgs.Put("Usage", usage);

    Obj export = Obj.CreateDict();
    usage.Put("Export", export);
    export.Put("ExportState", Obj.CreateName("ON"));

    Obj pg_elem = Obj.CreateDict();
    usage.Put("PageElement", pg_elem);
    pg_elem.Put("Subtype", Obj.CreateName("FG"));

    Obj print = Obj.CreateDict();
    usage.Put("Print", print);
    print.Put("PrintState", Obj.CreateName("ON"));

    Obj view = Obj.CreateDict();
    usage.Put("View", view);
    view.Put("ViewState", Obj.CreateName("OFF"));

    Obj root = doc.GetRoot();
    Obj oc_props = Obj.CreateDict();
    root.Put("OCProperties", oc_props);

    Obj ocgs_arr = Obj.CreateArray();
    oc_props.Put("OCGs", ocgs_arr);

    Obj defs = Obj.CreateDict();
    oc_props.Put("D", defs);

    Obj on_arr = Obj.CreateArray();
    defs.Put("ON", on_arr);

    Obj astate = Obj.CreateArray();
    Obj print_st = Obj.CreateDict();
    Obj print_cat = Obj.CreateArray();
    print_st.Put("Category", print_cat);
    print_st.Put("Event", Obj.CreateName("Print"));
    Obj print_ocgs = Obj.CreateArray();
    print_st.Put("OCGs", print_ocgs);

    Obj view_st = Obj.CreateDict();
    Obj view_cat = Obj.CreateArray();
    view_st.Put("Category", view_cat);
    view_st.Put("Event", Obj.CreateName("View"));
    Obj view_ocgs = Obj.CreateArray();
    view_st.Put("OCGs", view_ocgs);

    Obj export_st = Obj.CreateDict();
    Obj export_cat = Obj.CreateArray();
    export_st.Put("Category", export_cat);
    export_st.Put("Event", Obj.CreateName("Export"));
    Obj export_ocgs = Obj.CreateArray();
    export_st.Put("OCGs", export_ocgs);

    defs.Put("AS", astate);
    return oc;

  // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
  const string input_path = "../../../../TestFiles/";
  const string output_path = "../../../../TestFiles/Output/";

  static void Main(string[] args)

    PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "numbered.pdf");

    Page first_page = doc.PageBegin().Current();

    // Uncomment the following lines to set OCG state when creating
the stamp.
    // Obj optional_content_state = CreateOCGState(doc);
    Obj optional_content_state = null;

    Stamp(first_page, doc, "Hello World!!!", 72, new ColorPt(1, 0, 0),
45, 0.5, optional_content_state);

    doc.Save(output_path + "output.pdf",

   catch (PDFNetException e)

// Example 2 -------------------------------

using System;
using pdftron;
using pdftron.Common;
using pdftron.Filters;
using pdftron.SDF;
using pdftron.PDF;

namespace StampTestCS
class Class1
  static Obj CreateWatermarkAppearance(PDFDoc doc)
   // See ElementBuilder sample for more code examples.
   ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter();
   ElementBuilder eb = new ElementBuilder();


   // Begin writing a block of text
   Element element = eb.CreateTextBegin(Font.Create(doc,
Font.StandardType1Font.e_times_roman), 100);
   element = eb.CreateTextRun("Hello World!!!");
   // element.SetTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

   Obj stm = writer.End();
   stm.Put("BBox", Rect.CreateSDFRect(-100, -100, 1000, 1000)); //
Bounding box
   return stm;

  static Annot CreateWatermarkAnnotation(PDFDoc doc)
   Annot annot = Annot.Create(doc.GetSDFDoc(), Annot.Type.e_Watermark,
    new Rect(0, 0, 300, 200));

   Obj annot_dict = annot.GetSDFObj();

   // Optional, create FixedPrint dictionary...
   Obj fixed_print = Obj.CreateDict();
   fixed_print.Put("Type", Obj.CreateName("FixedPrint"));

   // Create Matrix entry: 1 0 0 1 72 -72]
   // that translates one inch right and one inch down
   Obj fixed_print_mtx = Obj.CreateArray();
   fixed_print.Put("Matrix", fixed_print_mtx);

   // The amount to translate the associated content vertically,
   // as a percentage of the height of the target media (or if
   // unknown, the height of the page's MediaBox). 1.0 represents
   // 100% and 0.0 represents 0%.
   fixed_print.Put("V", Obj.CreateNumber(1)); // Translate the full
height of the page vertically

   annot_dict.Put("FixedPrint", fixed_print);

   // Create annotation appearance.

   return annot;

  // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
  const string input_path = "../../../../TestFiles/";
  const string output_path = "../../../../TestFiles/Output/";

  static void Main(string[] args)

    PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "numbered.pdf");

    Page first_page = doc.PageBegin().Current();
    Annot watermak = CreateWatermarkAnnotation(doc);

    watermak.SetFlag(Annot.Flag.e_print, true);
    watermak.SetFlag(Annot.Flag.e_no_view, true);


    doc.Save(output_path + "output.pdf",

   catch (PDFNetException e)