How do I resove 'Could not load file or assembly PDFNet or one of its dependencies' on 64-bit Windows?

Q: I tried to use PDFNet 64-bit version on Windows 2003 64 bit but got
this error:

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException
System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly PDFNet
or one of its dependencies.

A: This error usually means that your machine is missing standard VC
runtime. To solve the problem simply download VC 64-bit
redistributable using the following link:

or search for “VC Redistributable” on the Web.

Please note that this dependency on standard VC Redistributable only
exists in ‘PDFNet for .NET’. The dependency does
not exist in C++/JAVA versions.

If you’re still having trouble, a utility called can
help you identify missing dependencies.