How do I process the shading object using pdfnet sdk?

Q: How do I process the shading object using pdfnet sdk? Can u please
send me any sample?
A: Shading can be either an element of type e_shading or can be used
as a pattern color for fill/stroke properties on path and text

For example (building further on ElementReaderAdv sample):

if (element.GetType() == Element.Type.e_shading) {
  Shading sh = element.GetShading());
  Matrix2D ctm = element.GetCTM();
  Rect bbox = sh.GetBBox();
  Shading.Type type = sh.GetType();

  if (type == Shading.Type.e_axial_shading) {
   // Type 2 (axial) shadings define a color blend that varies along a
linear axis between
   // two endpoints and extends indefinitely perpendicular to that
axis. The shading may optionally
   // be extended beyond either or both endpoints by continuing the
boundary colors indefinitely.
   double t0 = sh.GetParamStart();
   double t1 = sh.GetParamEnd();
   bool ext_start = sh.IsExtendStart();
   bool ext_end = sh.IsExtendEnd();
   double x0, y0, x1, y1;
   sh.GetCoords(ref x0, ref y0, ref x1, ref y1);

For an example of how to access shading in a pattern color please