How do I obtain remote file destinations?

Q: How do I obtain remote file destinations from a link annotation or
from a bookmark item?


You can obtain remote destinations (that are referenced from link
annotations) as follows:

// C# pseudocode
int num_annots = page.GetNumAnnots();
for (int i=0; i<num_annots; ++i) {
  Annot annot = page.GetAnnot(i);
  if (annot.GetType() == Annot.Type.e_Link) {
    Action action = annot.GetLinkAction();
    if (action.GetType() == Action::e_GoTo) {
      int page_num = action.GetDest().GetPage().GetIndex();
    else if (action.GetType() == Action::e_GoToR) {
       // A remote/external goto action...
         Destination dest = action.GetDest();
        // Get the file specification dict
        Obj file_dict = action.GetSDFObj().Get("F").Value();
        FileSpec file_spec = new FileSpec(file_dict);
        String file_path = file_spec.GetFilePath();

The similar logic applies to remote destinations referenced from
bookmark item actions:

If the bookmark action type is 'Action.e_GoToR' (i.e. remote PDF
bookmark) you could obtain the path to referenced external file as

// C# pseudocode
Action action = bookmark.GetAction();
if (action.IsValid() && action.GetType() == Action::e_GoToR)
  Destination dest = action.GetDest();
  // Get the file specification dict
  Obj file_dict = action.GetSDFObj().Get("F").Value();
  FileSpec file_spec = new FileSpec(file_dict);
  String file_path = file_spec.GetFilePath();