How can I stamp all PDF pages with a rotated and centered text stamp?


How can I stamp all PDF pages with a rotated and centered text stamp?

You can use the following utility function to stamp the pages
(attached is a modification to one of PDFView sample files that
automatically adds the stamp to every page in the document):

// Add a rotated and centered text stamp to every page in the
// @param pdfdoc - A document to stamp.
// @param text - A text string used to stamp pages.
// @param font_sz - The font size.
// @param rot_angle - The rotation angle, in degrees.
// @param fill_color - The fill color represented in RGB color space
where each
// color component is in the range [0..1].
static void Stamp(PDFDoc pdfdoc, string text, double font_sz,
   ColorPt fill_color, double rot_angle)
  ElementBuilder eb = new ElementBuilder();
  ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter();
  pdftron.PDF.Font myFont = pdftron.PDF.Font.Create(pdfdoc,
  pdftron.PDF.ColorSpace fill_cs = ColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();

  double deg2rad = 3.1415926535 / 180.0;
  Matrix2D rot_mtx = Matrix2D.RotationMatrix(rot_angle * deg2rad);

  PageIterator itr = pdfdoc.PageBegin();
  PageIterator end = pdfdoc.PageEnd();
  for (; itr != end; itr.Next())
    Page page = itr.Current();
    writer.Begin(page, false);
    Element element = eb.CreateTextBegin(myFont, font_sz);
    element = eb.CreateTextRun(text);
    GState gs = element.GetGState();

    // Position the text run
    Matrix2D mtx = new Matrix2D(rot_mtx);
    // scale the stamp relative to standard 'letter' page.
    double scale_factor = page.GetPageWidth() / 612.0;
    mtx.Scale(scale_factor, scale_factor);
(page.GetPageWidth() - element.GetTextLength() * Math.Cos(rot_angle *
deg2rad)) / 2,
(page.GetPageHeight() + element.GetTextLength() * Math.Sin(rot_angle *
deg2rad)) / 2);


Sample use case:

ColorPt txt_color = new ColorPt(252 / 255.0, 210 / 255.0, 193 /
255.0); Stamp(_pdfdoc, "Hello World!", 64, txt_color, 45);

Note: More recent version of PDFNet include ‘pdftron.PDF.Stamper’ as shown in Stamper sample:

however using ElementBuilder/Writer is still suitable when you need more low-level control or features that are not provided via Stamper.