Extract text using Annotation

I am using a functionality to extract some text using Annotation.
Currently I am facing an issue where while using FreeText Anotation, I am unable to extract the entire text within the Annotation.I could understand that if there is an image just above the selected annotation, it does not extract the text completely from that anotation. When I remove that image above, it is extracting the entire text.Can someone please help me on this text extraction process ?

To diagnose further we require the following information.

  1. Source input file(s)

  2. Your generated output file(s)

  3. Code, or settings, you used to generate the output, including any important variable values

  4. Screen shot of what you see, clearly indicating the following:
    4.a Application used for viewing
    4.b Page number on which the issue occurs (if document more than one page)
    4.c Clearly indicate where the issue is in the screenshot
    4.d Clearly indicate what you expected to see

  5. SDK version number