Basic annotation listener not work android issue

Product: android

Product Version: pdf tron

basic annotation listener not work android issue

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Hi @buzzwaresoftwares,

What are you trying to achieve by using the Basic Annotation Listener and what problems are you encountering when trying to do so?


i am try to get annotation name ,type etc and which annotation is selected when i click on annotation

        mPdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.getCurrentPdfViewCtrlFragment().getToolManager().setBasicAnnotationListener(new ToolManager.BasicAnnotationListener() {
            public void onAnnotationSelected(Annot annot, int pageNum) {

                Toast.makeText(ApplySignatureActivity.this, "ok", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


            public void onAnnotationUnselected() {


            public boolean onInterceptAnnotationHandling(@Nullable Annot annot, Bundle extra, ToolManager.ToolMode toolMode) {
                return false;

            public boolean onInterceptDialog(AlertDialog dialog) {
                return false;

Hi @buzzwaresoftwares ,

Please look into using this API from the ToolManager class: addAnnotationsSelectionListener

Would you be able to try this solution and see if it works for you?

Warm Regards,
