An Internal Error Happened Between the SDK and the HTML2PDF Module

When converting HTML to PDF using the Apryse HTML2PDF module you might see the following error message:
Message: An internal error happened between the SDK and the HTML2PDF module. Contact Apryse support for assistance. Conditional expression: exit_code == 0

Here are some steps you can take to investigate the cause.

  • Check the module version

    • Verify you have the latest module by running the HTMl2PDF module without any arguments via the command line.

    • Ex: >./
      > Chromium Version: 120.0.6078.0
      > HTM2PDF Module Version:

  • Are all files for the module available?
    The archive for the HTMl2PDF modules include multiple files that are required for HTML conversions. When you extract them they need to be placed in the same location as the module, or html2pdf_chromium.dll.

  • Are the required dependencies installed?
    The Windows module requires only the Visual Studio 2019 x64 redistributable be installed, the Linux module may need some additional dependencies installed. If you are using Linux please take a look at the instructions here that will assist you with installing the dependencies.

  • Generate a log
    If you are still seeing the same error reported you tell the HTML2PDF module to generate a log file with SetLogFilePath.

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