const util = require('util'); const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec); const path = require('path'); const GREEN = '\x1b[32m'; const CYAN = '\x1b[36m'; const MAGENTA = '\x1b[35m'; const RESET = '\x1b[0m'; const DIM = '\x1b[2m'; const RED = '\x1b[31m'; const BLINK = '\x1b[5m'; const UNDER = '\x1b[4m'; const resourceDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../webviewer-salesforce/'); const resourcesForZip = [ [`${resourceDir}/resource`], [`${resourceDir}/external`], ]; const globalPrompt = { message: "Answer must be 'y' or 'n'", pattern: /^[yn]$/, required: true, type: 'string', }; (async () => { try { require.resolve('prompt'); require.resolve('fs-extra'); require.resolve('archiver'); } catch (e) { console.log(CYAN, 'Installing required dependencies...', RESET); await exec('npm i prompt --save-dev && npm i fs-extra --save-dev && npm i archiver --save-dev'); } console.log(CYAN, '\nThis script will delete any files you won\'t be using in your lib folder. Please use with caution!'); console.log(CYAN, `\nPress CTRL + C at any time to safely cancel this process. If you are unsure of any answer, ${UNDER}please clarify${RESET}${CYAN} before answering them.`, RESET); const prompt = require('prompt'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const archiver = require('archiver'); prompt.start(); prompt.message = `${MAGENTA}\nOptimize`; prompt.delimiter = `: ${RESET}`; const backupExists = await fs.pathExists(path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib-backup')); if (backupExists) { console.log(CYAN, '\nA backup will not be created because a backup already exists!'); } const schema = { properties: { backup: { description: `Do you want us to backup your files before optimizing? [y/n]${RESET}`, ask: () => !backupExists, ...globalPrompt, }, webViewerServer: { description: `Will you be using WebViewer Server? See ${CYAN}${RESET}${DIM} for more info. [y/n]${RESET}`, ...globalPrompt, }, xod: { description: `Will you be converting all your documents to XOD? See ${CYAN}${RESET}${DIM} for more info. [y/n]${RESET}`, ...globalPrompt, ask: () => prompt.history('webViewerServer').value === 'n', }, office: { description: `Do you need client side office support? [y/n]${RESET}`, ...globalPrompt, ask: () => prompt.history('xod') && prompt.history('xod').value === 'n' && prompt.history('webViewerServer').value === 'n', }, type: { description: `Do you need the full PDF API? See ${CYAN}${RESET}${DIM} for more info (most users dont need this option). [y/n]${RESET}`, ...globalPrompt, ask: () => prompt.history('xod') && prompt.history('xod').value === 'n' && prompt.history('webViewerServer').value === 'n', }, salesforce: { description: `Do you need to deploy to Salesforce? See ${CYAN}${RESET}${DIM} for more info (most users dont need this option). [y/n]${RESET}`, ...globalPrompt, ask: () => prompt.history('xod') && prompt.history('xod').value === 'n' && prompt.history('webViewerServer').value === 'n', }, }, }; prompt.get(schema, (err, result) => { if (err) { console.log(`\n\n${RED}Process exited. No action will be taken.${RESET}\n`); return; } const { xod = 'n', office = 'n', type = 'n', backup = 'n', salesforce = 'n', webViewerServer = 'n', } = result; let filesToDelete = [ path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/webviewer.js'), ]; const filesToDeleteForSalesforce = [ ]; const filesToRelocate = [ [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/pdfnet.res'), `${resourceDir}/resource`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/PDFworker.js'), `${resourceDir}/resource`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/ResizableWorker.js'), `${resourceDir}/resource`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/external/'), `${resourceDir}/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/assets'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/external'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/PDFNet.js'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/pdf/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/CoreControls.js'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/CoreWorker.js'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/CORSWorker.js'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/DecryptWorker.js'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/Worker.js'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdfinfoVersion1.chunk.js'), `${resourceDir}/lib/core/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/package.json'), `${resourceDir}/lib/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/webviewer.min.js'), `${resourceDir}/lib/`, true], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/ui'), `${resourceDir}/lib/`, true], ]; // If they are not using XOD if (webViewerServer === 'n' && xod === 'n') { // if they dont need office if (office === 'n') { filesToDelete.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office'), ); } else { filesToRelocate.push( [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/OfficeWorker.js'), `${resourceDir}/office`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/'), `${resourceDir}/office`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/'), `${resourceDir}/office`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/'), `${resourceDir}/officeAsm`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/'), `${resourceDir}/officeResource`], ); resourcesForZip.push( [`${resourceDir}/office`], [`${resourceDir}/officeAsm`], [`${resourceDir}/officeResource`], ); } // If they dont need the full api if (type === 'n') { filesToDelete.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full'), ); filesToRelocate.push( [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/lean/'), `${resourceDir}/lean`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/lean/'), `${resourceDir}/lean`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/lean/'), `${resourceDir}/asm/lean`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/lean/PDFNetC.gz.mem'), `${resourceDir}/resource/lean`], ); resourcesForZip.push( [`${resourceDir}/lean`], [`${resourceDir}/asm`], ); } // If they do need the full API else { filesToDelete.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/lean'), ); filesToRelocate.push( [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full/'), `${resourceDir}/full`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full/'), `${resourceDir}/full`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full/'), `${resourceDir}/asm/full`], [path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full/PDFNetC.gz.mem'), `${resourceDir}/resource/full`], ); resourcesForZip.push( [`${resourceDir}/full`], [`${resourceDir}/asm`], ); } } // if they are using XOD else if (webViewerServer === 'n') { filesToDelete.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office'), ); filesToDelete.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf'), ); } if (webViewerServer === 'y') { filesToDelete.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/PDFNet.js'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full'), ); } if (salesforce === 'y') { // If they dont need the full api if (type === 'n') { filesToDeleteForSalesforce.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/lean/PDFWorker.nmf'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/lean/PDFWorker.pexe'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/lean/PDFWorkerSubzero.nmf'), ); } // If they do need the full API else { filesToDeleteForSalesforce.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full/PDFWorker.nmf'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full/PDFWorker.pexe'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/pdf/full/PDFWorkerSubzero.nmf'), ); } filesToDeleteForSalesforce.push( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/WebOfficeWorker.nmf'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/WebOfficeWorker.pexe'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/WebOfficeWorkerSubzero.nmf'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/core/office/'), ); resourcesForZip.push([`${resourceDir}/lib`]); } console.log(`\n==== ${RED}${BLINK + UNDER}FILES & FOLDERS TO DELETE${RESET} ====\n`); filesToDelete.forEach(f => { console.log(`${RED}${f}${RESET}`); }); console.log('\n==================================='); prompt.get({ properties: { delete: { description: `The above files will be permanently deleted. Is this okay? ${backup === 'y' ? "(A backup will be created in './lib-backup')" : '(A backup will NOT be created)'} [y|n]${RESET}`, ...globalPrompt, }, }, }, async (err, result) => { if (err) { console.log(`\n\n${RED}Process exited. No action will be taken.${RESET}\n`); return; } if (result.delete === 'y') { if (backup === 'y') { console.log(`\n${GREEN}Creating backup...${RESET}`); await fs.copy( path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib-backup'), ); } console.log(`\n${GREEN}Deleting files...${RESET}`); const promises = => fs.remove(file)); await Promise.all(promises); if (salesforce === 'y') { console.log(`\n${GREEN}Extracting files for salesforce build...${RESET}`); const relocatePromises =[file, dest, isCopy]) => { const f = path.basename(file); dest = path.resolve(dest, f); const func = (isCopy) ? fs.copy : fs.copy; return func(file, dest); }); await Promise.all(relocatePromises); console.log(`\n${GREEN}Compressing files...${RESET}`); const zipPromises = => { const [source, tmp = ''] = item; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var output = fs.createWriteStream(`${source}.zip`); var archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9, }, // Sets the compression level. }); output.on('close', () => { const fi = path.basename(source); console.log(`${fi}.zip`); fs.remove(source); resolve(); }); archive.on('error', reject); archive.pipe(output);, tmp); archive.finalize(); }); }); await Promise.all(zipPromises); console.log(`\n${GREEN}${UNDER}Done! Copy above zipped files into "staticresources" folder of your salesforce app.${RESET}\n`); return; } } else { console.log(`\n${RED}Process exited. No action will be taken.${RESET}\n`); return; } console.log(`\n${GREEN}${UNDER}Done! Your lib folder is now optimized for production use.${RESET}\n\n`); }); }); })();