What is the difference between the .NET 1.1-3.5 download and the .NET 4 version of PDFNet?

Q: What is the difference between the .NET 1.1-3.5 download and
the .NET 4 version of PDFNet?

Is it regarding WPF, or AJAX or are you supporting MVC in some way?
A: We released a special version for .NET 4 because Microsoft broke
backwards compatibility. Unless you are specifically using Visual
Studio 2010 and are targeting .NET 4 you should use PDFNet for .Net4,
otherwise use PDFNet for .Net1-3.5.

If future .NET V4 will offer better integration with WPF and .NET
features which are not available in older versions of .NET Framwrok,
but currently there are no differences in the API

In either case there is no AJAX related setup (since PDFNet is not an
AJAX library) and you are free to use any design pattern for your