Vertical single page navigation

Product: Android and iOS PDFNet SDK

Product Version: Latest version

Please give a brief summary of your issue:

How to achieve showing a Single page(Only one page at a time, I see the next page visible with a vertical scroll which I don’t want) with a vertical scroll

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:

I was exploring the PDFTron SDK for our iOS and Android app. Currently, we support vertical scroll and show only one page at a time in our app. But with PDFTron we don’t have the option to show single page with vertical scroll.

If I set single page mode with vertical scroll, I see a portion of the next page as well. I don’t want this experience. Is there a way I can show only one page at a time with a vertical scroll? If this is not achievable can we develop this?

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Hi there,

Unfortunately we do not have an API to change this on iOS.
Would you mind creating a feature request here ?

On Android you can set the Page Presentation Mode to achieve this.
See sample code below:


For more information you can review our guide on Scroll direction in the Android viewer.

Please let us know if this works for you.

Best Regards,