Suppress the "ld: warning: meta method in category from PDFNet.o conflicts with same method ... "

How to suppress these warning in iOS project that is using PDFNet and ToolFramework?

ld: warning: meta method 'setupConversionWebView:pdfFile:completion:' in category from /xyz/PDFNet.framework/PDFNet(PDFNet.o) conflicts with same method from another category
ld: warning: meta method 'convertOfficeToPDF:paperSize:completion:' in category from /xyz/l/PDFNet.framework/PDFNet(PDFNet.o) conflicts with same method from another category
ld: warning: meta method 'convertHTMLStringToPDF:baseURL:paperSize:completion:' in category from /xyz//PDFNet.framework/PDFNet(PDFNet.o) conflicts with same method from another category

Crosscheck the #imports for "*.m" and suggestions in following SO posts.

XCode 9.2/iOS11.2

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have forwarded this to our iOS team for review.

Are these warnings causing you any actual issue? If so, please clarify, and we can work to resolve.

What version of PDFNet are you using? If you are not running the latest PDFNet 6.8, then this issue might already be resolved.