POSSIBLE BUG on PDFTron's Link annotation?

Hi team,

My tester notice these during a test and I decide to try it on PDFTron’s demo webpage: https://www.pdftron.com/webviewer/demo/

  1. When assign a Link to annotation then press Enter, the document will goes blank.
  2. When assign a Link to annotation and the click ‘Link’ button however, everything works fine.
  3. When trying to move the annotation around, the annotation itself can be moved, but the underline part is not.

I have attached the video to illustrate all three cases we encountered. Please assist us on this, TIA!

link-annotations.zip (832 KB)

Hi That Dude,

Thanks for bringing this up.

It looks like the first two issues are fixed in the new UI in 7.0, but not the legacy UI. I will take a look and let you know when I have more information.
For the last issue I’m able to reproduce it in both UIs, and I will take a look as well. Thanks for your patience!

Best Regards,
Zhijie Zhang
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems Inc.

Hi Zhijie,

Thank you! One of my colleague probably will look and this and continue our discussion with you.



We’ve made some fixes regarding the issues internally. I will let you know once they are merged so you can try the nightly build.

Zhijie Zhang
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems Inc.


Fixes were just merged into stable branches!
You can try the fixes tomorrow using the stable nightly build at https://www.pdftron.com/nightly/#stable/
Let me know how it works and if you have any other questions.

Best Regards,
Zhijie Zhang
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems Inc.