PDFNetC and PDFNet

i want to know the difference between PDFNetC and PDFNet .
In fact , i got an error " no PDFNetC in java.library.path" .
Is there a suggestion to add this class ?


Great question.

PDFNet.dll is an assembly for use with .Net Framework, and is compatible with any CLI language, in particular C# and VB. This DLL has a runtime dependency on the VC++ 2010 redistributables. See the Getting Started guide for PDFNet .Net for links and more details.

PDFNetC.[dll|so|dylib] is a native library, and is used with our C++/Java/Python/Ruby/PHP/ObjC/Swift and .NET Core wrappers that we provide.

In fact , i got an error " no PDFNetC in java.library.path" .
PDFNet.jar uses PDFNetC.[dll|so|dylib] for the actual execution.

See our RunTest.[sh|bat] files in our samples for suggested way to load PDFNetC for use with PDFNet.jar.

Thanks a lot .