Not matching with expected PDF after importing XFDF into PDF file

Product: Demo

Product Version:Latest

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Not matching with expected PDF after importing XFDF into PDF file

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I am unable to see the expected result after importing xfdf string into PDF.

I am sending here below with all details. Please assist me where am i going wrong.

Here is my code:

val file = Utils.copyResourceToLocal(activity, resourceId, fileName, “.pdf”)
mPdfDoc = PDFDoc(file.absolutePath)

    // XFDF loading:
    val xfdf_string = xfdfSample
    val fdf_doc = FDFDoc.createFromXFDF(xfdf_string)

    mPdfViewCtrl?.doc = mPdfDoc.

Here, I am trying to import xfdf string ( given in attachment ) into “inspection_sample_pdf” from attachment. I have attached the attachment of expected result & how this is showing in PDFTron.

Missing Info are:
The dropdown data like: Insp. agency, TIO reference, drop & selected radio options are not matching with Expected attached photo.


The outcome after import should be:

Current scenario with PDFTRON

The PDF Doc where xfdf is going to merge:
inspection_sample_pdf.pdf (477.2 KB)

XFDF data:
xfdf_data.pdf (97.3 KB)

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:

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Thanks for contacting us.

Would it be possible if you could send us a direct String of the XFDF, or a .dat file containing the XFDF (not inside a PDF)?



Thanks for the response. I have added in PDF because this is very long string. So, This string can not be send directly.
I can copy from the PDF. Please try to Copy/Paste from the PDF to find the XFDF.

Thank you

Hi Manoj,

To prevent copy/pasting errors from PDF, please kindly send us a “.dat” file instead. You can create this by putting the XFDF String in a text editor such as VS Code, and save the file either as a TXT or DAT file, then upload it here. Thanks.

Hi ,

I have attached XFDF string in txt format. Please find the attachment.

Thank you
xfdf_string.txt (50.1 KB)

Hi Manoj,

Thanks for providing the txt file, we were able to reproduce what you saw and will continue to investigate the issue. We’ll get back to you as soon as we learn more.


Hi Andrew,

FYI, we are having same issue with PDFTron iOS SDK as well. Could you please check for iOS part also.

Thank You

HI Manoj,

We were able to verify that the same issue is happening on iOS, our investigation will include fixing both platforms. We will contact you as soon as we learn more about this.


Hi Manoj,

Please update Android to 9.2.0 and it should be fixed in this new version.
We’ll update again when iOS is ready for you.



Thanks for the information. I am hoping, I will get quicker solution for iOS as well. I will integrate in Android & update.

Hi @Manoj,

We also just released version 9.2.0 of our iOS SDK which includes the fix.
Our website will be updated next week but you should be able to update to the new version already.

Please let us know how it works for you.