Japanese text without font embedding?


First, I apologize for my writing. I am not good at English.
So please read this mail with your patience. :slight_smile:
I have a question for the PDFNet component.
I don't know how to make a font information like attached PDF using
the PDFNet components.
In this PDF, the font information is not embedded.
But I can see this PDF content. How can it find the font information??
I did try to make a not embedded PDF using the PDFNet components.
Then I changed the name of source font.
After open the PDF, I couldn't see the contents.

Did you try using 'Font.CreateCIDTrueTypeFont' and
'ElementBuilder.CreateUnicodeTextRun' as illustrated in UnicodeWrite
sample project (http://www.pdftron.com/net/

After creating the font structure you could modify the font name to be
one of standard Japanese fonts distributed with Acrobat (e.g.
KozMinProVI-Regular.otf, KozGoPro-Medium.otf, etc). You can also
modify 'Ordering' entry in 'CIDSystemInfo' dictionary to be 'Japan1'
instead of 'Identity':

Assuming C++:


Put("Ordering", new SDF::Str("Japan1"));

Assuming C#:
