Issue while using PDFTron docPub CLI for converting document to xod

I am using docPub for document conversion from different document formats to xod in Windows environment.
I am facing issues while converting doc/docx/ppt to xod using PDFTron docPub CLI. When I try to convert the document it pop-up a window and asks for the path of UNIDRV.DLL when we select a path and click OK, docPub tries to install the driver and throws the error as
E:\Test Data\Untitleddocument.ppt
Installing PDFTron PDFNet printer ...
Error: Unable to install PDFTron PDFNet printer.
Reason: Failed to install printer.
Unsupported format. The file cannot be converted.

I also tried to perform the same operation by using administrative command prompt.
I got the same error when I tried to use PDFTron SDK for JAVA

My Machines Environment Details:
OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit
JAVA Version: 1.8

Can you please provide me a solution for the above problem.

This error occurs when trying to install our virtual printer. First, this is not required if you have MS Office installed. Instead Office interop should be used. If you have MS Office installed, then please try the “–verb 2” parameter to see if there is info why Interop is not being used.

If you don’t have MS Office installed, then please see this post for your UNIDRV.DLL error.