Is PDFNet threadsafe for parallel rendering?


I’m looking for a PDF SDK, which can be used to extract PDF pages as images in parallel.
Can I use PDFNet for this?


You can use the current version of PDFNet (at the moment v.5.9.2) to render pages from the same document in parallel.

For this to work each thread would need to open a separate PDFDoc instance that refers to the same document on disk. Please note that PDFDoc does not load the entire file in memory so opening multiple PDFDoc-s is not as costly as it seems. As a starting point, please take a look at PDFDraw sample project:

We are also planning to release the next major version of PDFNet (i.e. V6) withing next couple of months. Among many features, this version will support multithreaded ‘read only’ access within the same document (i.e. you could render multiple pages pages from the same doc in parallel without opening multiple PDFDoc instances).