Inserting content to an existing PDF file

Q: We have the following requirement for manipulating the existing PDF

  1. Inserting footer (text & image) in all the pages.
  2. Inserting image at the end of content in the document. e.g., If the
    PDF file is of 5 pages and the content ends at 4.5 page, then the
    image should be inserted/pasted on 4th page below the content.

A: The following sample seems to be relevant to the task:

‘pdftron.PDF.Stamper’ is a utility class that can be used to PDF pages
with text, images, or with other PDF content in only a few lines of
code. Although Stamper is very simple to use compared to
‘pdftron.PDF.ElementBuilder/ ElementWriter’ it is not as powerful or
flexible. In case you need full control over PDF creation use
ElementBuilder/ElementWriter to add new content to existing PDF pages
as shown in the ElementBuilder sample project (
pdfnet/samplecode.html#ElementBuilder) and ‘How do I add a watermark
to a page?’ in PDFNet FAQ (http://

In case you need to reflow the content (e.g. similar to MS Word)
during content insertion PDF format is not ideal for the task. You
could use PDFNet for this, however the implementation could get
tricky. A better solution would be to update the content in Word,
HTML, or XAML and convert it to PDF as shown in Convert or Xaml2Pdf
samples (