How to make Undo/Redo annotation is default as Disable state?

Product:PDFTron Android SDK

Product Version:9.2.0

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Default state of Undo/Redo annotation should be disable.

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In my Application, i am using custom annotation toolbar. I wanted the state of undo/redo annotation should be disable by default until unless there is change of annotation in pdf.

Here is my code below,
AnnotationToolbarBuilder.withTag(“Custom Toolbar”)

            .addToolButton(ToolbarButtonType.SQUARE, DefaultToolbars.ButtonId.SQUARE.value())
            .addToolButton(ToolbarButtonType.INK, DefaultToolbars.ButtonId.INK.value())
            .addToolButton(ToolbarButtonType.IMAGE, DefaultToolbars.ButtonId.IMAGE.value())
            .addToolStickyButton(ToolbarButtonType.UNDO, DefaultToolbars.ButtonId.UNDO.value())
            .addToolStickyButton(ToolbarButtonType.REDO, DefaultToolbars.ButtonId.REDO.value())

For ref.

Please assist me how can i make it possible.
Thank you,

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Thanks for contacting us. In this case, I recommend calling the following in onResume:

        mAnnotationToolbarComponent.setItemEnabled(DefaultToolbars.ButtonId.UNDO.value(), false);
        mAnnotationToolbarComponent.setItemEnabled(DefaultToolbars.ButtonId.REDO.value(), false);