How to Integrate PDF3D tools into Workflow Using Acrobat for Hyperlinks to 3D Attachments

PDF3D ReportGen, PDF3D PV+ and PDF3D.IO development SDK can be used to convert over 90 file formats to 3D PDF.

PDF3D possesses multiple features to aid document processing such as is the ability to export multipage models (e.g. this example using VRML conversions).

In addition to working within the PDF3D suite for document generation, it is also possible to integrate your workflow with tools in Acrobat X or XI Pro which enable editing PDFs / links and attachments. This may be desirable if these tools are already part of your workflow.

Using Mirosoft Word or other Open Source word processing tools, it is possible to prepare draft templates to use as a template in PDF3D (shown below) or as a template for appending in Acrobat.

To create PDF documents using PDF3D to later append to a secure document, disable security parameters. In PDF3D ReportGen, this can be toggled in the ‘Security’ tab.


The rest of the steps could be done locally within your chosen word processing tool or Acrobat.

  1. First, create a non-signed or archived version of the report PDF from word processing tools. Hint - You can direct users to a PDF attachment by creating a link in the parent PDF document that jumps to the attachment.

  2. Open your parent wrapper report PDF which contains some relevant text or image to visually indicate a link. Normally this could be some thumbnail or screenshot image from the 3D data or 3D PDF. It can be anywhere in the document, any size.

  3. Using Acrobat X or XI Pro, with the PDF report open, Open Tools > Attach a File, browse and select an external 3D PDF to attach.

  4. Or if already prepared, open a PDF that already contains one or more PDF file attachments.

  5. On main wrapper PDF, go to where you want to create a link.

  6. Open the acrobat menus at: Choose Tools > Content > Link, and select the area for the link.
    Use mouse rectangle drag to specify the link location over some text or image.

  7. In the Create Link dialog box, set the link appearance, select Go To A Page View, and then click Next.

  8. A dialog should appear asking you to select the target destination for the link.

  9. Navigate to the Attachment list, open the PDF attachment, Set the page number and view
    magnification you want, then click “Set Link”.

  10. Save the PDF document, and exit.

For more specific advice on your version of Acrobat, this can be viewed in Adobe user manuals Adding 3D models to PDFs (Acrobat Pro)