How to I create a Highlight, Underline, Squiggly, or StrikeOut annotation using PDFNet?

How to I create a Highlight, Underline, Squiggly, or StrikeOut
annotation using PDFNet?

The following code illustrates how to create highlight annotation.
Other annotations types can be created similarly (the difference being
only the annotation type in the call to Annot.Create() method):

  // Use PDFNet to generate appearance stream for highlight
  static Obj CreateHighlightAppearance(PDFDoc doc, Rect bbox, ColorPt
   // Create a button appearance stream
   ElementBuilder build = new ElementBuilder();
   ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter();

   // Draw background
   Element element = build.CreateRect(bbox.x1 - 2, bbox.y1, bbox.x2 +
2, bbox.y2);
   GState gs = element.GetGState();
   Obj stm = writer.End();

   // Set the bounding box
   stm.Put("BBox", Rect.CreateSDFRect(bbox));
   stm.Put("Subtype", Obj.CreateName("Form"));
   return stm;

  // Create Highlight Annotation.
  static Annot CreateHighlightAnnot(PDFDoc doc, Rect bbox, ColorPt
   Annot a = Annot.Create(doc, Annot.Type.e_Highlight, bbox);
   a.SetAppearance(CreateHighlightAppearance(doc, bbox,

   Obj quads = Obj.CreateArray();
   a.GetSDFObj().Put("QuadPoints", quads);
   return a;