How to disable this popup for individual annot

Product Version: @pdftron/webviewer8.8.0

how to disable this scale popup for individual annot

image (20)

Hi John, you should be able to hide by using disableElement, see this guide for more info PDFTron Systems Inc. | Documentation

Still the pop-up is not getting disabled. So can you please suggest any other solution or any video or image for reference ?

Still the pop-up is not getting disabled. So can you please suggest any other solution or any video or image for reference ?

I’ve the same issue. But nothing worked for me

But I found a workaround for it :slight_smile:

Just call this inside the documentLoaded EventListener

const hideScaleOverlay = () => {
          const x = document.getElementById('webviewer-1') as HTMLIFrameElement
          let y = (x.contentWindow as Window) || (x.contentDocument as Document)

          if ('document' in y) {
            y = y.document

          const scaleOverlayContainer = y.body.querySelector('[data-element="scaleOverlayContainer"]') as HTMLDivElement

          if (scaleOverlayContainer) {
   = 'none'

You may also use CSS display none to hide

.ScaleOverlay {
    display: none;

And use the WebViewer constructor pass css parameter
WebViewer({ css: “path/to/stylesheet” })

Oh, nice. That’s even better.