How do I suppress the overscroll animation indicating user has reached end of document [Android]


Any way to suppress the overscroll animation indicating user has reached end of document (since ours is single page).


The way the fling/swipe works is built-in to the control. To change its behavior, the preferred method is to use the Tool interface and override the methods onMove, onUp, etc. As I mentioned before, you can avoid the overscroll overriding the onMove of the tool interface. If you are extending PDFViewCtrl, and depending on what you override, you might not get the correct behavior for the tools. In this case you can use PDFViewCtrl.setBuiltInPageSlidingEnabled(false) and not use the tool manager (ie, do not set a tool manager using setToolManager()). You will have to code the fling effect by yourself in this case.

Licensed customers have access to the tools.jar source code for full customization. Meanwhile you don’t have access to it, you can take a look at this posting as a starting point:


Starting with version 6.1.0 of the Android PDFNet SDK, the Tools library is now shipped as an Android Library, and its source code can be found in the samples folder. The package does not include the Tools.jar anymore, and you now have the flexibility to include the source directly into your project or create a separate library for your projects.