How do I set the individual annotation object properties using the pdftron.SDF.Obj object?

Q: How do I set the individual annotation object properties using the
pdftron.SDF.Obj object?
A: To access Cos/SDF annotation dictionary use annot.GetSDFObj(). For
example of how to use SDF API you may want to take a look at SDFTest
sample project (

As an example the following code snippet creates a watermark PDF
annotation (not to be confused with stamping PDF content to existing
PDF pages ):

static Annot CreateWatermarkAnnotation(PDFDoc doc) {
  Annot annot = Annot.Create(doc.GetSDFDoc(), Annot.Type.e_Watermark,
new Rect(0, 0, 300, 200));
  Obj annot_dict = annot.GetSDFObj();

   // Optional, create FixedPrint dictionary in the annot
   Obj fixed_print = annot_dict.Put("FixedPrint");
   fixed_print.PutName("Type", "FixedPrint");

   // Create Matrix entry: 1 0 0 1 72 -72]
   // that translates one inch right and one inch down
   Obj fixed_print_mtx = fixed_print.PutArray("Matrix");

   // The amount to translate the associated content vertically,
   // as a percentage of the height of the target media (or if
   // unknown, the height of the page's MediaBox). 1.0 represents
   // 100% and 0.0 represents 0%.
   fixed_print.PutNumber("V"); // Translate the full height of the
page vertically

   // Create annotation appearance.

   return annot;