How do I get the stamp annotation after using Stamper::SetAsAnnotation(true)?

When I stamp an annotation, using the Stamper class, how can I get the actual annotation?

For example?

s = Stamper(Stamper.e_relative_scale, 0.25, 0.25)
img = Image.Create(doc.GetSDFDoc(), input_path + "peppers.jpg")
s.SetAlignment(Stamper.e_horizontal_center, Stamper.e_vertical_center)
pt = ColorPt(0, 0, 0, 0)
ps = PageSet(1)
s.StampImage(doc, img, ps)

# get annotation?

Annotations are always added to the end of the list of existing annotations for a page. So calling the following code immediately after stamping, will give you the annotation created by the Stamper class.

stamp_annot = page.GetAnnot( page.GetNumAnnots() -1 );