How do I generate pdf/a-1b validation/conversion XML report using PDFNet SDK?

Q: I am using the PDFNet SDK for merging (
pdfnet/index.html), converting and validating pdf files into pdf/a-1b
files. Your PDF/A manager app can produce validation/conversion
reports in xml.

It did not find an API call in the PDFNet SDK to do that. Is it
possible to get an XML report generated?
A: PDFNet SDK does not have a built-in method to generate XML reports
similar to PDF/A Manager, however it should be fairly simple to
generate such report. You can reuse XSL (styling sheet) from PDF/A
Manager output so you only need to generate XML. For example (assuming

void OutputReport(PDFACompliance& pdfa,
  const string& filename, const string& path)
cout << "<Validation>" << endl;

size_t err_cnt = pdfa.GetErrorCount();
if (!err_cnt) {
  cout << " <Pass FileName=\"" << filename << "\" FileNameAndPath=\""
<< path << "\"></Pass>" << endl;
else {
  cout << " <Fail FileName=\"" << filename << "\" FileNameAndPath=\""
<< path << "\">\n";

  for (size_t i=0; i<err_cnt; ++i)
    PDFA::PDFACompliance::ErrorCode c = pdfa.GetError(i);
    const char* err = PDFA::PDFACompliance::GetPDFAErrorMessage(c);

    cout << " <Error Code=\"e_PDFA" << int(c)
      << "\" Message=\"" << err
      << "\" Refs=\"";

    size_t num_refs = pdfa.GetRefObjCount(c);
    if (num_refs > 0) {
      for (size_t j=0; j<num_refs; ) {
        count << (int)pdfa.GetRefObj(c, j);
        if (j!=num_refs) {
          count << ", ";
    cout << "\"/>\n";

  cout << " </Fail>\n";

cout << "</Validation>";