How do I find the exact location (coordinates) of specific text fields on a page?

Q: I need to find the exact location (coordinates) of specific text
fields on a page, then replace them with graphic elements. I can see
how to place a graphic element in a specific location but I can not
see how to find the exact location of a specific field.
A: You would need to enumerate all annotations on a given page (e.g.
as shown in Annotation sample project -
Once you encounter an annotation of type Annot.Type.e_Widget you can
get the bounding box for the field using annot.GetRect(). Also you can
get a field from the annotation using annot.GetWidgetField(). Here I
assumed that you are actually dealing with AcroForms and not static
forms (in the latter case you may need to use TextExtractor to
identify and localize the fields).