Handling scroll-click event

Is there a way to handle scroll-click event(s) (up and down) on webViewer?

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I ask bcs I wanted to use Pan Tool, when I am pressing mouse scroll


Thank you for contacting us regarding WebViewer.

You could add the native event listener to WebViewer instance, like so:

instance.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
    if (e.which === 2) {    
      console.log('mousedown  instance', e)

I tested this, and it should be working, however, the ‘click’ event is not triggering on wheel click.

Please let me know how this works for you, and if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,
Jason Hu
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

Thanks, but it didn’t work for me. I’ve receive an error message after implementing that: Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): this.WebViewer.addEventListener is not a function.


addEventListener exists in instance of WebViewer not WebViewer itself, you could get instance of Webviewer like so:

  initialDoc: 'filePath',
  path: '/lib',
  enableFilePicker: true,
}, document.getElementById('viewer')).then((wvInstance) => {
  const { documentViewer } = wvInstance.Core;
  let wvInstancePointer2 = null;
  documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', ()=>{
    wvInstancePointer2 = this.WebViewer.getInstance()
    console.log(wvInstancePointer2) // this should be the same instance as wvInstance
    wvInstancePointer2 .addEventListener('mousedown',(e) =>{
      console.log('mousedown wvInstancePointer2 ',e)
  wvInstance.addEventListener('mousedown',(e) =>{
    console.log('mousedown wvInstance',e)

Please let me know how this works for you.

Best Regards,
Jason Hu
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

It’s not working… Could the reason be that I am using older version of lib? 7.2.0


If you are using 7.x then on would work, addEventListener was introduced in 8.0:

  initialDoc: 'filePath',
  path: '/lib',
  enableFilePicker: true,
}, document.getElementById('viewer')).then((wvInstance) => {
  const { docViewer } = wvInstance;
  let wvInstancePointer2 = null;
  docViewer.on('documentLoaded', ()=>{
    wvInstancePointer2 = this.WebViewer.getInstance()
    console.log(wvInstancePointer2) // this should be the same instance as wvInstance
    wvInstancePointer2 .addEventListener('mousedown',(e) =>{
      console.log('mousedown wvInstancePointer2 ',e)
  wvInstance.addEventListener('mousedown',(e) =>{
    console.log('mousedown wvInstance',e)

Please let me know how this works for you.

Best Regards,
Jason Hu
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

Hey @awejasonhu

actually im able to call mouse scroll event but thing how can i use pan tool by only pressing & holding mouse scroll button and drag mouse to pan… not by dragging with left click…

Ex. Panning in figma by pressing and then dragging mouse scroll button

Hello John,

I think you can call the event handler functions on PanTool, here is the guide:PDFTron.

  const { Tools } = instance;
  const panMouseDown = Tools.PanTool.prototype.mouseLeftDown;
  Tools.PanTool.prototype.mouseLeftDown = function() {
    console.log('panMouseDown mouseLeftDown')
    panMouseDown.apply(this, arguments);

Best Regards,
Jason Hu
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

hey @awejasonhu ,

i guess there’s miss understanding… take a scenario of Figma work space where we can PAN by only pressing and dragging scroll button to pan… is there any method in which i can only press and hold and move mouse to pan the pdf view…



Hmm, I see what you are looking for now, you can call the instance of panTool, like so

  const {docViewer, Tools} = instance;
  docViewer.on('documentLoaded', ()=>{

    const panTool = docViewer.getTool(Tools.ToolNames.PAN);

    instance.addEventListener('mousedown',(e) =>{
      if (e.which === 2) {
    instance.addEventListener('mousemove',(e) =>{
      if (e.which === 2) {    
    instance.addEventListener('mouseup',(e) =>{
      if (e.which === 2) {    

I tested this and it is working, let me know if this fits your needs.
Best Regards,
Jason Hu
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

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thank you…! @awejasonhu
you made my dayy…! :blush:

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i am not getting scroll in single page PDF file but getting in multi page PDF can it be possible to get scroll in single page PDF…!!


Is this related to the issue in this ticket? You can create a new ticket which can be better handled. Thanks.


Vertical scroll is getting disabled when I am loading the page again or selecting another pdf.
I am using the below code:

         var FitMode = instance.FitMode;
        const { annotManager, docViewer, Tools } = instance;

        docViewer.on("documentLoaded", function () {

The page is getting settled automatically to setToPage. Is there any way in which I can get the scroll in single page also with 100% zoom or setToWidth.

It is working fine at the time of creation of instance( i.e. at first time FitWidth is working fine) but when I try to open another file (from a dropdown) it gets set to fitToHeight.

Let me know if there is any other need of clarification. It is bit urgent.