Get current page view/viewport as an image

Q: How do I get the current page view/viewport as an image?


documentContainer = instance.Core.documentViewer.getScrollViewElement();

topLeft = {
    x: documentContainer.offsetLeft + documentContainer.scrollLeft,
    y: documentContainer.offsetTop + documentContainer.scrollTop
botRight = {
    x: documentContainer.offsetLeft + documentContainer.scrollLeft + documentContainer.clientWidth,
    y: documentContainer.offsetTop + documentContainer.scrollTop + documentContainer.clientHeight

topLeftPageCoordinate = displayModeManager.windowToPage(topLeft, docViewer.getCurrentPage() - 1);
bottomRightPageCoordinate = displayModeManager.windowToPage(botRight, docViewer.getCurrentPage() - 1);

    pageIndex: docViewer.getCurrentPage() - 1,
    pageRotation: docViewer.getRotation(),
    getZoom: function() {
        return docViewer.getZoom();
    drawComplete: function(canvas) {
    renderRect: {
        x1: topLeftPageCoordinate.x,
        y1: topLeftPageCoordinate.y,
        x2: bottomRightPageCoordinate.x,
        y2: bottomRightPageCoordinate.y

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