Edit freetext on a rotated document

I've added a FreeText Annot on a PDFDoc that I then rotate at 90 degrees. The text shows in the proper rotated direction. The problem is that when I edit the text in a recent version of Adobe Reader.

1. Case 2 -> If I correct the FreeText rotation before I flatened and add it to the page.

When I edit the text. The text now appears without rotation forever. It saves like so. Loses the rotation property.

2. Case 1 -> If I correct the FreeText rotation after having flatened and added the annot in the page.

The text box does all sort of things, like it stretch vertically, it shrink horizontally, I can't see the text anymore.

I've tried dozen of combinations and never got FreeText to be usable for something as basic as editing a FreeText with Adobe Reader.

PS: The suggered tags are not useful.

Thank you for letting us know that you’re seeing this behaviour. So that we’re on the same page, could you kindly forward a copy of the document with rotated FreeText to support ‘at’ pdftron.com? Thanks in advance for your help.