Does PDFNet support standard PDF forms, embedded Flash, Video, 3D content and other multimedia annotations?

Q: Does PDFNet support standard PDF forms, embedded flash, Video, 3D
content and other multimedia annotations?

A: PDFNet supports PDF forms and can be used to create or extract
multimedia annotations. For more info please see:

InteractiveForms sample:

multimedia PDF annotations

Does it support 3D PDF ?

You can use PDFNet to create or manipulate 3D PDF annotations. As a
starting point please see U3D sample:


Q: The above links mainly talk about how to create or extract
information related to Movie or Flash or 3D PDF etc. However, what I
am looking for is whether the viewer component that you provide
support and render these correctly. E.g. If someone has a PDF with
Flash or Movie embedded in it (cteated using a Adobe Professional or
some tool like that), when we open it using your rendering component,
will it render it properly ? Will the user be able to see the flash or
movie as it is displayed in Acrobat?

A: By default, PDFNet viewer does not play embedded multimedia
annotations. The support for these can be added by customizing the
viewer control. For example, to enable Flash viewing a custom viewer
would extract the Flash file (as described) and initialize Flash
ActiveX control window ( on top of
PDFViewCtrl. This is essentially how Flash is supported in Acrobat,
various browsers, and other applications.

On Jun 20, 2:43 pm, Support <> wrote:

Q: Does PDFNet support standard PDF forms, embedded flash, Video, 3D
content and other multimedia annotations?


A: PDFNet supports PDF forms and can be used to create or extract
multimedia annotations. For more info please see:

InteractiveForms sample:

multimedia PDF annotations

> Does it support 3D PDF ?

You can use PDFNet to create or manipulate 3D PDF annotations. As a
starting point please see U3D sample:
