Does PDFNet support import / export of 3D Data (like in Acrobat 3D)?

Q: I am looking for a library that will allow me to import 3D Data
(like in Acrobat 3D) into a PDF. The format of such Data is U3D, as
far as I know.
Can I import and export U3D using PDFNet SDK?
A: You can use PDFNet SDK to embed U3D models when creating new or
editing existing PDF documents. It is also possible to extract U3D
files, to modify 3D annotation dictionaries etc.

As a starting point you may want to take a look at U3DTest sample
U3D: This example illustrates how to embed U3D content (3 dimensional
models) in PDF.

Please keep in mind that we don't offer an API to parse or generate
U3D files. In case you also need this type of functionality, you may
want to try Intel's U3D library (
u3d/). Many of our customers in CAD/CAM/AEC industries are using
PDFNet (either stand-alone or together with Intel library) to support
3D PDF documents.