Does PDFNet include support for PRC - the new 3D format in PDF?

Does PDFNet include support for PRC - the new 3D format in PDF?

PRC is a new 3D file format that can be embedded in PDF document.

PRC is a proprietary file format that Adobe inherited after acquiring
TTF (Trade & Technologies France), a French software company
specializing in CAD interoperability. Adobe chose PRC because it is
the file format that they own, not for any specific technical reason.

Support for PRC format is relatively new and is not even referenced in
the latest PDF specification (i.e. PDF 1.7). As a result, we don't
recommend customers to create PRC documents until all specifications
become publicly available and submitted to ISO.

Having said this, using PDFNet SDK it is possible to embed, extract,
and replace PRC models in the same way as U3D files (see