Doc Viewing and PDF Redaction in Ruby on Rails

Q: We are going to integrate PDFTron with one of our projects, where we are using ruby on rails technology.

Following are our requirements

  1. We need to upload PDF file and display it in browser

  2. User should be able to remove contents from their selected area

  3. Text Extraction functionality with User Interaction

This all requirements we are using ruby on rails technology,


Re 1) - please see

Re 2) - I suppose you are referring to process called ‘PDF Redaction’. PDFNet SDK supports redaction as shown in PDFRedact sample:

In your case you can use Ruby on the client side to perform redaction of the original PDF document. On the client side (i.e. Silverligh, Flash, or HTML5) you would need to implement a custom annotation tool (e.g. see SilverDox Annotations sample that would capture redaction regions/rectangles. When redaction is completed your Web client would send redaction annotations to the server for actual redaction.

  1. Text Extraction functionality with User Interaction

Could you please elaborate on this requirement? PDFNet web viewers support text selection, search, and XML part extraction out of the box. Is there something more specific that you are looking for?