Create custom annotation on text select

I have tried to get selected text as in the documentation here. The problem I encountered is this that the event is triggered on selection of each letter or word. I need to get the selectedText at the time the selection is complete or when the user leaves the mouse hold. How can I do that?


I need to get the selectedText at the time the selection is complete or when the user leaves the mouse hold.

I believe what you are looking for is documented here:

WebViewer.then(instance => {
const { docViewer } = instance;

docViewer.getTool(‘TextSelect’).on(‘selectionComplete’, (startQuad, allQuads) => {

  • If Quad information is needed, note the callback arguments
    const selectedText = docViewer.getSelectedText();
    // selectedText contains the text that the user has selected on mouseLeftUp

Feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions about this logic.