Center scaled page content and add Border text all around the page


I have afew questions i’d like to ask:

1.I’ve been browsing the PDFNET google group for a while now, but I just can’t seem to find a solution for my problem. I need to scale page content of existing PDF documents (-> this i got under control, it works!) but also to centerr the scaled content in the page. I couldn’t find a way to do this. I could find a solution for adding text to existing PDF documents and center this text in a RECT object, which is not exactly the same as what i wish to do.

  1. After scaling the page content and reposition the same content in the center of the page, also need to add some recursive text all around the border(margins??) of the page. So say for instance I wish to add the text : " - - - >DOCPATH>" around the borders continously. So, if on the top border I can place the text up untill the DOCTITLE, say for instance, 15th character, I would go on and start from the 16th character on the Right margin (vertically disposed text). Is this possible?

Thank you very much for the support

João Neves