Annots Link set highlighting mode no work?

I add Annots.Link dynamically to the document and I want hide highlight frame which is showed when I click on link. In documentation I found that method Link.setHighlightingMode() with parameter Link.e_none is for this:

The annotation’s highlighting mode is the visual effect that shall be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area, possible values as follows: e_none - No highlighting. e_invert - Invert the contents of the annotation rectangle. e_outline - Invert the annotation's border e_push - Display the annotation as if it were being pushed below the surface of the page. Default value: e_invert.

But this method no work with any parameter - when I click on link, orange thick frame with semitransparent background is still showed.

I tested this with version - is this bug or I misunderstood the purpose of the method?



Hi Petr,

PDFNet viewers do not currently check this value. Other PDF viewers might use this value, which is why it exists. Also, I’m not aware of any one asking for this before.

Sorry, this was not clearer.

You could generate your own mouse down appearance, but I suspect this would be more work then it is worth. If interested, search our forum for creating/generating custom appearances.