Annotation Note as Rich Text Editor

I need to implement Rich Text Editor kind of functionality for Annotation note. Is it possible with PDFTron React Native? Following are the expected features; Text styling, embed images, etc…

Hi Mohan,

Thanks for contacting us about this request.
Rich Text Editor is not supported at the moment.
Unfortunately, this page cannot be customized from React Native,
however, it is possible to customize it in Native code by yourself.

Best Regards,

Thanks. I have one more question regarding the same page. As shown Annotation note panel is showing some predefined statuses. Can I modify the status names and have my own names also remove the statuses not required for my requirement? Example instead of None, Accepted, Cancelled, Completed, Rejected, I want to have Resolved, Rejected, Reopened


Hi Mohan,

Thanks for contacting us about this request.
Unfortunately, modifying the statuses are not supported at the moment,
it is possible to change the name’s string itself to some other strings,
but that may result in inconsistent behavior.

Best Regards,